Intelligent Agent Core User Guide

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Control Properties

The Control Properties view is where the selected Control is actually viewed and edited. For System Controls, they can only be viewed here and cannot be edited.

System Control Warning

1. System Control Warning
If the selected Control is a System Control, then this banner is displayed. No options within the Control Properties will be editable for System Controls.

Control ID

2. Control ID
Displays the unique Control ID for the selected Control.

Control Name

3. Control Name
This is the internal unique name for the Control. It isn't displayed to the designer (except in the Field Info tab) or agents, but is displayed in the Control Editor list and in the Intelligent Agent database.

Display Name

4. Display Name
This is the displayed name in the Custom Controls list in the Designer, and isn't required to be unique - although it's recommended that it is to reduce confusion.

Current Version

5. Current Version
The version number of the selected Control is used to establish whether any Fields in Workflows need to be updated.

Last Updated

6. Last Updated
The date that Control was last altered is described here.


7. Description
A description can be added to the Control. It's not displayed anywhere else, and is simply meant to assist others in the Controls Section in quickly determining the purpose of the selected Control.

Advanced Options URL

8. Advanced Options URL
If the Control has an Advanced Options tab in its Field Properties, then the webpage for the wizard used to configure it must be entered here.

Return Attribute

9. Return Attribute
If the Control is inspected in a Workflow or used in a Calculate Field or similar, then the attribute specified here is what will be returned as the value.

Control Code Editor

10. Control Code Editor
The functional code of the Control is defined in this window, with any specified values within it being replaced by the attributes defined below when the Control is placed on a Page as a Field.

Control Attributes

11. Control Attributes
The actual attributes of the Control are configured here; these are a mix of the tabs and options to be offered in Field Properties within the Workflow, and the accessible or modifiable characteristics of the created Field.


12. Export
Any Control can be exported, creating a importable file that can be transferred or stored.


13. Duplicate
Any Control can be duplicated, creating a copy of the Control that shares in all of its configuration. As modifying a System Control isn't possible, any desired changes to a System Control must instead be made to a duplicate.