Intelligent Agent Core User Guide

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Checking and Previewing Workflows

The Check Workflow and Preview functionality can be used to ensure everything works as expected before the Workflow is Published.

Checking a Workflow

The Check Workflow button ensure that the Special Pages have been set, all Pages can be navigated to, and that no navigation Fields are unlinked. The Check Workflow button is found in the top-right corner of the screen when in the Designer:
Once the button is clicked, a check is carried out. This checks for common issues such as:
  •  Pages that aren't linked to from anywhere in the Workflow,
  •  Any linking Fields (e.g., a Button Field) that doesn't have a configured destination Page,
  •  Any JavaScript that references Field names that aren't recognised or have been deleted.
In this example, the Workflow hasn't had its Penultimate Page assigned and it has a Page that can't be navigated to:

Previewing a Workflow

The Preview function allows users to view the Workflow as an agent would, with Fields executing their specific configuration and behaviours, and with the Page's appearance matching the agent experience. It allows the Workflow designer to test that any JavaScript works as expected, and that the Pages are laid-out and operating as is expected.
However, it should be noted that the Preview view of a Workflow does have some limitations compared to running an actual record, such as the lack of any External Links or Campaign data being passed in among other things.
Workflows are previewed using the Preview button (top-left corner of the screen).

Go to Penultimate Page

There may be occasions where it isn't possible to navigate to the Penultimate Page of the Workflow by normal means (for example, bad links or code errors prevent the user from moving past a Page). The Last button in the Navigation toolbar can be used to move directly to this Page, and as long as the Penultimate Page can reach the Last Page, then the Preview can still be exited properly in this fashion.