Intelligent Agent Core User Guide

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Table Break

The Table Break Control allows the designer to structurally separate different sections of a Page so that the normal automatic Field alignment and sizing is separated above and below the Table Break. When used in conjunction with Space Fields, they can be used to improve the layout of Pages with complex structures.
It is commonly used when a Page contains complex layouts of Fields, often arranged in a differing number of Fields placed side-by-side at different points on the Page, or including Fields of varying widths. It prevents the automatic process that horizontally aligns Fields on different rows from affecting the Fields on the other side of the Table Break.
The below image shows a Page both without (left) and with (right) the Table Break being used. The left-hand image shows how the labels and inputs for the Fields try and align with other Fields above and below them, sometimes leading to a spread-out structure. The image to the right shows that, while not aligned with each other any more, the three blocks of Fields sit together more neatly and compactly.
This Control is part of the Basic Control pack, and will always be available.

How To

Add a Table Break to the Page. The Field has no options or configuration available.
Fields above the Table Break will not affect the positioning of Fields below the Table Break, and vice versa.
A Table Break cannot be placed within a Float or Sidepanel; including a Table Break within these Fields will lead to the subsequent subsequent contained Fields of the group being dropped into the main body of the Page during the record.